Developer Profile

Meet Your Develop-Hair

Media Reel

About Me

Developer Profile

Welcome to my Web Development learning arena! This website is where I can show off some of the skills I’ve learned so far along my quest to become a Web Developer. Through online courses and a lot of Googling, I have gleaned some knowledge of design, HTML, and CSS. My intention is to create a website start-to-finish that is sleek, responsive, clear, and maybe even a little fun.

Why am I learning how to build websites, you ask? Great question! Along my anfractuous post-college career path, I have explored life in the outdoor education, environmental law, sustainable agriculture, data analysis, and food service industries, and have traveled to or lived in 14 countries outside the US. Most recently, I took a honeymoon that brought my husband and I to three countries over the course of a year. As our trip of a lifetime wound down, I decided it was time to transition into a career that I could see myself enjoying for the foreseeable future from the comfort of my own country, so took the plunge into my oft-daydreamed-about goal of learning Web Development.

This website was designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, my inexhaustible supply of amateur cat photos, and a few online resources (credited below). The code is written in HTML and CSS. The lovely instructors at Treehouse provided the lion’s share of my online coursework. Next steps for myself include tackling additional coding languages that will allow me to make this website more responsive and interactive, and expanding on all the skills I’ve already learned. Next steps for you can include getting in touch if you like what you see or if you have any thoughts in general for me or my new dream career path, or peeking back here every so often in case I fancy adding anything new and interesting to the site.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy what you see!

A Little Fun

Enjoy a fun maze while discovering a few things I find interesting and important along the way.

A Fun Maze Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!

Image Credits

I would like to extend a special thank you to the myriad wells of information and inspiration that helped me build this site. Specifically, here are the sources for images used in this site that are not mine.

Movie ReelClipart Kid
MazeFun Roadtrip Games
PanelPexels and Pacific Trimming
Get In Touch

Like what you see? Have any thoughts? Email is the best way to reach me:

Thanks for visiting!